Monday, February 23, 2009

Miss Crystal's 2 Cents

It's me Miss Crystal.... on our blog you will be able to experience the knowledge of 3 ladies, who all happen to work at Learning Zone Preschool! To kick off our blog I will post a old post that was on our website...
Being Active with your children:

Staying active! Help your child develop good physical activity habits at an early age. You might be thinking, “Crystal, how can I do that?” Well, I have some great tips to help you and your child. Limit time on the tv, video games, computer, and movies. Get them outside moving around. Plan family outings that involve physical activities such as biking, hiking, swimming, etc. Give your child more chores around that house that require physical exertion. Take advantage of you communities recreation opportunities, such as soccer leagues, T-ball, gymnastics, etc. Help your child live a long and happy life, by helping them stay active.


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