Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Feeling Foxy?

We made Fox masks for the letter F. It was so fun. All I did was cut the paper plates in half, and cut out the eyes. I also cut the ears out and nose. The kids did the coloring and the pasting. Older kids could cut the ears out and nose out themselves. But my kids haven't reached quite there yet. They are doing better with their cutting!

From my iPhone

Here is how the masks turned out. Sorry the quality of the picture isn't like it usually is. I didn't have my camera that day, so I had to use my iPhone. Not bad for a camera phone, huh!?
After we were all finished we pretended to be a bunch of fox in the wild. It was so fun and interesting to hear the many sounds a fox makes. ;)


Monday, March 29, 2010

Pudding Paint

At Learning Zone Preschool we love to get down and dirty! So when it came to the letter P we couldn't miss out on an opportunity to do Pudding Art.

We didn't paint anything specific with our pudding, we used our imaginations.
Pudding Paint

Pudding Paint

It was fun and interesting to see what the kids decided to paint.
Pudding Paint

Pudding Paint
We used chocolate pudding this time, but you can always use vanilla and use food coloring to change the colors. If you use food coloring you might want to use paint brushes, so you don't die the kids hands. And don't forget those paint shirts!

(Have fun in Spanish)


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Musical Jars

Did you know you could play music with just baby food jars, water, and a plastic cooking spoon? You totally can! At Learning Zone we called it a Xylophone.
It was super duper easy and fun! I just prepared the baby food jars by ripping off the paper labels so that you can see through them.

I gave each child 4 jars to make their own music. But before we could make music we had to fill the jars up with different amounts of water. One jar had just a small amount, the next a little more, and the next a little more, and the last one ALOT more.


Once your jars have the right amount of water you can begin to make your music. Make sure to have enough plastic cooking spoons to go around. I found the plastic spoons to work a lot better than wooden, but wooden will still work. To get the best sound from your xylophone tap the jars on the side. The top does okay, but you can really hear the difference when you tap them on the side.

Have Fun!


Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year!

Okay, so was May really the last blog post? We will definitly do something about that this year!

I read an interesting status on my facebook last night which leads me to today's subject. Kids. I know. Who would have guessed? My friend was asking for any and all child-rearing suggestions.
My answer was simple...Reasonable rules, loving praise for expectations met, and absolute consistency for expectations unmet.
For some, my response is something you understand, agree with, and implement with reletive ease.
Some others nod because it seems to make sense on paper, but you have difficulty in the practical application.
Still others are left dazed and confused, and may even feel helpless and alone in your own private parenting nightmare.

Well, I'd like to open it up for discussion. Please feel free to post your own experiences: successes and failures, or post a situation when you just didn't know what to do. There is help to be found!