Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year!

Okay, so was May really the last blog post? We will definitly do something about that this year!

I read an interesting status on my facebook last night which leads me to today's subject. Kids. I know. Who would have guessed? My friend was asking for any and all child-rearing suggestions.
My answer was simple...Reasonable rules, loving praise for expectations met, and absolute consistency for expectations unmet.
For some, my response is something you understand, agree with, and implement with reletive ease.
Some others nod because it seems to make sense on paper, but you have difficulty in the practical application.
Still others are left dazed and confused, and may even feel helpless and alone in your own private parenting nightmare.

Well, I'd like to open it up for discussion. Please feel free to post your own experiences: successes and failures, or post a situation when you just didn't know what to do. There is help to be found!